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(BOS) Before Operational Stress

“An evidence-based program specifically designed for public safety personnel and first responders. The program was developed by leading mental health experts and psychologists to provide practical tools for frontline workers to manage operational stress.”

– Before Operational Stress

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BOS Education
  •  A workshop tailored specifically to meet the needs of your organization.

  • The workshop will educate participants on the impacts of operational stress and provide them with practical tools for building resiliency and developing proactive psychological protection in order to manage operational stressors.

  • Participants will learn information and strategies that will leave them feeling empowered and in control of their mental well-being.


BOS Intensive
  • An 8-week psychotherapy group for public safety personnel, first responders, frontline workers, active duty military members, and veterans.

  • Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the impacts of operational stress on varying aspects of their lives; learn strategies for managing operational stress so they can continue to do their jobs; have their experiences normalized and validated by a group of their peers; leave feeling empowered and in-control of their mental well-being.


If you’re an organization looking to offer BOS Education or BOS Intensive to your employees or a public safety personnel member, first responder, frontline worker, active duty military member, or veteran looking for resources and support, please connect with us!



Kathy Rolfe​

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